How it works
Your subscription, on your terms

You choose how
many books...
We offer subscriptions for 1, 3 or 5 books per month. Each box contains fun activities and stickers to excite and inspire a love of reading.

And personalise
it for your child
Our experts handpick books every month to suit your child's age and interests. These choices can be easily viewed and changed by you on the go.

Ready to get started?
Setting up a Bookabees subscription
for your child only takes a few minutes.

No contract, cancel any time
We won't lock you in to any contracts so you can cancel at any time you want to

The right frequency
Skip a month or schedule a holiday within your account

Change your plan at any time
If you want more or less books you can change your plan at any time

Bigger family? No problem!
We offer great savings when you add more subscriptions for the family. (coming soon...)

Ready to get started?
Setting up a Bookabees subscription
for your child only takes a few minutes.