I spent a long time writing my letter to Father Christmas, it was full of the longest, thinkiest words I could find, like YULETIDE which is a mega fancy way of saying Christmas, and GLAD TIDINGS which is a double mega fancy way of saying Good News.

I have discovered that at Christmas grown-ups like to sing fancy pants words like Noel, to say silly words like Chrimbo, and to text tiny words like Xmas. It's a confusing time for words. Anyway my letter went like this:
Dearest Father Christmas or Santa Claus or Pere Noel or Swiety Mikolaj or Babbo Natale (how many names do you have? I only have one!)
Merry Yuletide. I send glad tidings. This year in the Land of the Bookabees we have all been jolly virtuous (which means good) so we kindly request that means we'd like:
A triple loud giant trumpet for Yellabee to get to grade twelvety on
A glitter squirter for Doodlebee to cover everything in glitter quicker
A double bright torch for Tellabee to read under the duvet
A massive snorkel for Muckabee to see to the bottom of muddy puddles
A biscuit for Bafflebee who didn't understand the question
And the biggest book of words called a Dictionary for me, Wordabee
Thank you Mr Christmas and God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen (which means have a lovely sit down and a cup of tea)
Love From,
You see it was a fantastic letter. And I put it in an envelope, then in a bigger envelope because you can't be too careful. Then I sellotaped it up, and added a lot more sellotape because you can't be too careful. Then I got in a large muddle and had some trouble getting the sellotape to stop sticking to everything. And now I can't find the letter! Do you know where it is? If you know, shout it out!