Bookabee Yeller Bookabee Yeller

New reading den discovered in The Land of Bookabees

Today a brand new reading den was discovered in the Land of the Bookabees.

My duvet was in the wash, which was very annoying because I have read every singlebook in the whole wide world under my duvet, and eaten all my meals under it too.

I can't imagine why my duvet needed washing. So I needed somewhere new to read and I searched everywhere –

I dug to the bottom of the Laundry Basket Cave, scrambled through the Wardrobe Jungle, and dived into the Sofa Sea.

I couldn't find anywhere good to read. Just when I was about to feel quite cross, I looked around and saw that all of the laundry from the basket and clothes from the wardrobe and cushions from the sofa had magically ended up in a big tangle heap together!

I crawled underneath them with my book and my torch and there was the most AMAZING reading den.

Reading Den

It's so good that I'm reading all of the books in the whole wide world again in my den, and eating my dinner of Alphabetti Soup in there too. I feel certain that this den will not end up in the wash like my last one.


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